Do you often go to sustainable restaurants?
“可持续性focuses on meeting the needs在不影响后代以满足其需求的能力的情况下,现在的目前。可持续性的概念由三大支柱组成:经济,环境和社会。“
Since sustainability is meant to make your restaurant more successful than it might be otherwise, if you plan well, you should expect few problems making the needed adjustments.
What does “eco-friendly” mean? And how do you set overarching goals for a sustainability project? We support以下五个原则:
- Cut energy waste
- Move towards zero waste
- Reduce water waste
- 管理您的排放量
- 影响您的供应链
We’ll add a sixth principle as well:
- 造成消费者的支持
从一些专家建议开始。考虑是现有餐厅还是新的餐厅或新的餐厅bringing in a sustainability consultant。如果它是现有餐厅,请进行审计。
A good餐厅审核可以根据您的商业模式揭示您已生成的浪费数量或可能是可能的。
2. Get Your Stakeholders Engaged
First, you’ll need to determine who all your stakeholders are. Here are some typical stakeholder groups to consider:
- 雇员
- Funders
- 顾客
- 餐厅或商家组织
Once you’ve identified the stakeholders, work with them to determine the most effective ways to get their input on the restaurant and its future potential.
A big concern of stakeholders is a所有者和员工的承诺到一个项目。鉴于可持续餐厅所需的努力,有一个开发的计划很重要,广泛分享,并经常展示你对它的承诺。
This should be good for making key connections and staying up to date.The Green Restaurant Association提供绿色餐厅目录,教育资源和正式和非正式的认证程序。
There are numerous ways to do this. The following are a few of them:
Support Fundraisers and Other Local Events
What great sources of local goodwill and publicity! If you have the budget for it, tee-shirts or other branded items would be great. But food donations would always be welcomed.
Offer School Programs on Sustainability
Business collaborations are great networking opportunities—that can also bring you customers. For example, what if you were to provide discount coupons to a neighboring merchant for them to give out to their own customers?
你可能没有很多财力for formal employee recognition at the start, but that’s not why your employees are there. If they’re working for your restaurant, you should assume they’re dedicated to its mission and values.
But there are ways to展示你有多少价值their work that costs nothing. For example, learning their names and a few things about them early on, then using these as starting points for subsequent conversations.
6. The Food Comes First
Don’t sacrifice food excellence for your green initiatives. Those initiatives won’t endure without quality products behind them.
此外,如果您分享并促进他们 - 往往有雪球效果,请早期取得较小。
7. Marketing
Local marketing is important for a restaurant as well. A lot of restaurant traffic comes from word of mouth. And make sure your restaurant is listed with Google My Business.
8.。Digital = Sustainable
吐司,A餐馆软件开发商,对使用数字产品的几乎所有方面进行了清晰详细的争论 - 从房子的前面到后面。
Restaurant-focused POS developers offer a suite of software that incorporates:
- Guest-facing POS technology that saves financial and natural resources by digitizing both the bill and the receipt.
- 纸订单票据在桌子和厨房中被数字显示屏替换。
- 薪资和调度软件更换邋and和混乱的纸张转换纸张。
- 自动薪资取代纸薪水,工资存根和税务表格。
- 通过数字访客反馈技术,为客户使用现场,当他们的经验在他们的脑海中新鲜时。
- 综合CRM允许您向现有客户与即将到来的活动,优惠券或优惠以及传统广告一起联系到现有客户。
- 预测和限制有序食物量的库存跟踪,从而限制了浪费。
Many of us struggle with the leveling effects of digitization, but it seems clear that POS software has the ability to reduce different kinds of waste and help preserve natural resources.
9. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances and Fixtures Throughout
你可以开始安装智能恒温器to keep customers and employees comfortable and save money and energy. And then look forcommercial-grade Energy Star appliancesfor the kitchen.
10. Keep Track of How You’re Doing
- Food waste: this is, essentially, the amount of food ordered and received minus that consumed by customers or employees.
- Number of customers in a given period (e.g., a week or a month).
- Meeting your break-even point:this is the sales volume required to make back an investment.
- Cost of goods: this should be reduced by certain sustainability initiatives such as local sourcing.
- 主要成本:劳动力和商品和服务的综合成本。
- Various measures of server effectiveness.
11。Celebrate Your Success
Throw a party! This is a restaurant, right? So, what better place for a party? What are you planning? We can think of a couple of things:
If you continue to nurture sustainability in your restaurant, this amorphous and multidimensional concept will treat you well. Among other things, it’s likely to both save and earn money—all the while making the earth a better place to live.
“Sustainable is Unofficial But Measurable”
这并不意味着整洁的报价 - 它是,相反,一篇文章中的一个子标题。However, it does sum up the qualities of a good sustainable restaurant. It’s a great way to end this article too.