oil data

There is no end to the changes that technology brings to industry and society. As the driving force behind almost everything else, this is particularly true in the energy sector. What used to be called “Big Oil” can rightfully now be called “Big Oil Data”.



Big Data is a hot buzz term,但这也是一个真正的现象。直到最近,人们无法做到的事情是一件事。它需要超快速计算机和巨大存储容量的技术。




Like other industries, oil and gas have benefitted from system standardization and management. Even across cultures or nations, the way an oil field operates is essentially the same. Managers need to understand well capacities, human resources, and field reports.

By allowing third parties with specific experience to outsource their toolchain, management essentially acquires the experience of all the people who create the software.




在能源领域,资本的流动是almost as fast as the flow of physical energy. Big data is used to analyze consumer trends and facilitate trading. The days of traders yelling across the floor are long gone. Machines make thousands of trades a second, and run circles around human day traders.


油田管理软件,就像这个发现http://www.greadebook.com., enables operators to benefit from the hard-earned experience of others. Now the business manager can have an operational awareness that in the past was simply impossible. Data flows to the decision makers faster than ever.


The oil data business is evolving faster than can even be comprehended. New technologies and new methods of analysis enable the human race to power a new world beyond the expectations of anyone.

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