无论您在哪里,还存在水污染的危险。Every single year,数百万美国人are made sick from contaminated and polluted water, with dozens dying as a result. Polluted water is bad for your health, bad for your community, bad for your house price, and bad for your business.


This knowledge will also ensure that you can quickly identify water pollution in its earliest stages. With that in mind, here are the most common water pollution causes that you need to know about.

1。Fertilizers and Pesticides

As this expert guide on the dangers ofwater pollution我解释说,地下水污染的主要原因n the US and beyond is the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. When farms use fertilizers and pesticides, this can seep into the groundwater and reach drinking water supplies that are held beneath the Earth. Given that rural communities rely on this type of water source to survive, the effects of fertilizer pollution can be catastrophic. The most common type of pollutant in this category is nitrates, which have been found in 40% of groundwater sources in the US.

2. Animal Waste




Although less of a problem in the US, metal pollution of water sources is a huge problem in developing countries such as China and Thailand. Industrial processes and heavy industry that takes place next to large water sources can produce large amounts of metals such as zinc, chromium, lead, and copper.

当这些金属到达水源时,水污染效应可能对公共卫生有腐蚀性。诸如此案的水污染被认为是负责任的成千上万的死亡around the world every year.

4. Sewage


The microorganisms that are found in household sewage are breeding grounds for lethal diseases such as Malaria, which continues to kill millions of people every year.




