There are roughly200万农场operating in the United States. Each of them is integral in helping meet America’s growing demand for easily accessible food being available, in volume, in grocery stores across the country.



If so, keep reading to fulfill your need to know!


Whether you’re a regular farmer or someone that’s pursuing the benefits of organic farming, your success as a farm owner is tied to the world around you. That vested interest farmers have in persevering the environment makes them among the most passionate evangelists when it comes to reducing carbon footprints, conserving water, and more.

By choosing a career in farming, you choose to become more educated in the world around you. You also probably choose to share information with friends and family.

That process of learning and sharing can have long-term effects on the environment’s health for generations to come.

2. Less Pesticide and Chemical Exposure

Non-organic farms leverage pesticides and chemicals to help manipulate crops. These substances can have short-term positive effects on a crop’s ability to make it to market. The long-term effects of chemical use though are daunting.

Leveraging synthetics to manipulate the environment creates long-term damage to plant diversity. It kills animal populations. It also disrupts other natural processes that keep the earth in balance. Continued use could lead to unsustainable growing conditions and the extinction of species.



土地没有被暴露在人工合成物是局域网d that looks, feels, and is much richer than land that has been. While we can’t describe to you the contrast of organic versus non-organic land in a blog post, if you ever get the chance to run both kinds of soils through your hands, the difference will be clear.

Part of the reason why organic soil is so much richer is that the lack of chemicals allows helpful bacteria to flourish. It has been said that millions of helpful bacteria species can be present in organic soil versus as little as one-hundred in chemically treated soil.

4. More Topsoil

如果你从未听说过全球危机的土地侵蚀,get educated. In short, topsoil levels are depreciating making it harder to grow food.



5. Smaller Footprint

您在农场上运行的每个过程都会产生环境影响。无论是使用a农场喷雾器to shoot seeds across your land or a dispenser to push chemicals over crops.

By design, organic farming asks a lot less of farmers since the focus of organic is letting nature take its course. When you opt in to this more hands-off approach to farming, you give your operation a chance to create a much smaller environmental footprint which has a daily impact on the world’s continued health.

6. Enhanced Biodiversity

Nature is clever in that it has plant species, animal species, weather cycles, and more all working together to create conditions that preserve balance. The more biodiversity your land sports, the better it will be able to continue producing which is something every farmer wants.

As we’ve mentioned already, non-organic farming involves processes that try to cheat nature for better short-term results. That cheating results in fewer bacteria, lowered animal populations, and the destruction of foliage that’s deemed non-necessary.





通过选择Go Organe,您可以选择完成您的部门,确保每个人都可以获得可预见的未来的水。

These Benefits of Farming Organically Scratch the Surface

You’ve discovered 7 benefits of farming organically. While we hope those benefits have swayed you towards paying more mind to organic processes, we want you to know that what we’ve told you划伤表面.

The benefits of choosing a career in farming, let alone choosing to focus that career on organic workflows, are greater than we can describe in a single blog post!

Do you want to learn more about what we’ve talked about? Care to explore additional benefits surrounding the importance of farming? If so, check out the newest content on our blog.