Note on Moray:
据好莱坞罗伯特·斯特莱伊先生(Hollywood先生)首先从他的电话经验中获得了他的辐射能量装置的想法。Moray指出,几次在聆听线条时,一个节奏的嗡嗡声,似乎在响度中变化。它开始响亮的钞票,下一个少,在七个脉冲中褪色直到它逐渐减少。在近东的早期男子气概中一直是一位摩门教大学,研究了一些古老的哲学,海鳗,将两者兼职,并开始寻找意味着捕捉这种非常明显的力量激增。Staley表示,Moray通过使用电动阀门或类似于无线电管的管,只有这些是冷管,即它们没有电加热的薄片,它提供所构成管的元件之间的离子通道的装置,In stead, Moray uses radio.-active materials which provide the ‘carrying’ means and which are adapted to the rythms of the energy sought. Moray’s device, through proper relationships of ‘capacitors’ or electrical condensers, and ‘inductances’, or coils of insulated wire, is ‘tuned to the frequency of the Radiant energy waves.
Staley claims to have presented Morays theories end accomplishments to a group headed by Kettering of General Motors, They, were afraid of it. Staley also told me he presented the whole flatter to Presiden Roosevelt, where again, nothing come of it. Staley feels there is a possibility that some of – if not all – parts of Moray’s concepts may have ‘leaked’ to foreign agents, from what has developed since concerning ‘red activity’ inside the Government. Staley says he has been questioned by the F.B.I, in connection with Moray’s work and his (Staley’s) effort to get Roosevelt going on it, Staley thinks Moray ‘has it’. He also thinks Moray is now ‘playing with’ some foreign power in connection with it. This, he (Staley) believes will be disastrous for Moray and for the U.S. also.