Read MoreDon’t let anyone tell you Americans don’t care about green issues. Americans really care about the environment. In fact, more than 70 percent of Americans say that protecting the environment is actually more important than economic growth. However, there are many ways that we can damage the environment without knowing it. What if we told you…
Read MoreIt’s all of our responsibilities to be a little kinder to the world around us. Especially, as we experience increasingly dangerous side effects from climate change such as the raging wildfires in multiple parts of the world. There’s a lot of simple changes you can make around the home that will, not only, help you live…
Read More你听说过伟大的太平洋垃圾补丁吗?由非生物降解的塑料组成,这种旋转的碎片量重量估计为705,000吨。它由渔网,电脑零件,乐高能和无数水瓶组成。毫无疑问,移动的人类产生了惊人的垃圾量。关键是如何......
Read MoreWe’ll begin by saying that the most eco-friendly method of garbage removal is not throwing things in the trash to begin with. That is to say, be creative and find other uses for as much “garbage” as possible. Once you make a habit of this, we’ll bet you start seeing your wallet growing fatter too.…
Read MoreIs your gut instinct telling you that something is off in your life? Are you feeling the weight of the world but don’t know how to shake it off? Listen to your intuition. The nagging feeling in your gut is just the beginning. Everything from physical inflammation to mood problems is a sign that it’s…
Read More折腾,转动,检查时间,计算你现在睡着了多少睡眠 - 如果你患有失眠症,你就会让这个例行下来。你也在很好的公司。专家说,三分之一的美国人不时地经历至少温和的失眠。完全25%的美国报告......
Read More根据一项调查,大约34%的美国人回收了他们的一些浪费。你最终可能会回收你的旧水瓶和纸板,但你知道你还可以回收你的旧车的一部分吗?如果您有任何您想要回收的旧汽车零件,还有很多方法可以回收......
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