Few things can ruin the environment and feel of your house as a pile of junk. Whether it’s old furniture, food waste, or any other kind of garbage that needs to be disposed of, having a pile of junk in a corner of a room or outside can completely ruin your homey vibes.


If you want your junk to avoid filling up landfills, getting burned and polluting the air, or getting tossed into the ocean, then you need to start using one of these three green strategies to get rid of your old stuff.


One easy way to dispose of your junk in an eco-friendly way is to let it be re-used by someone else. The old adage, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is certainly at play here.

旧家具可以出售,也可以赠送给旧货店或古董店,也可以放在人行道旁的草坪上,供人免费挑选。如果你想多跑一英里,你甚至可以考虑fixing up这些垃圾让它变得更有用,然后尝试出售它。这可能是一个在保持环境意识的同时赚取额外现金的好方法。


如果你不想把你的垃圾拖到旧货店、Craigslist的顾客那里,甚至只是拖到你的前草坪上,那么垃圾清除服务就是最好的选择。像这样的服务Dirt Cheap Rubbish Removal会进来,把你想要的东西都拿走,以环保的方式处理掉。

It won’t be your worry anymore.

3. Start A Compost Bin

If you have any inclination towards gardening or lawn work, then启动堆肥箱因为你的食物浪费是最好的选择。堆肥箱是你放置食物垃圾的地方。随着时间的推移,垃圾会分解成营养丰富的堆肥。




There you have it — now that you know three solid ways to take care of junk removal in an eco-friendly manner, all that remains is for you to pick your favorite one and go with it.
