
An article about three German studends who experiment with obtaining electrical energy from the air, the methods and the system they use, and how the electrical discharges are measured.


BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, fired the imagination of electrical engineers and experimenters all over the world for a century beyond his time, when on an immortal day he demonstrated by means of his kite, that lighting was a natural electrical phenomenon. Every student or electrical ma..ers has at some time or other dreamed of utilizing the gigantic electrical charges which are ever present in the atmosphere surrounding our earth. Several scientist have lost their lives while trying to harness the tremendous electrical discharges in the form of lightning. Last summer and again this summer, three young German scientists, A. Brasch, F. Lange and C. Urban of the University of Berlin, aided by all the latest scientific information as to how to protect themselves, will attempt to measure and chart the atmospheric electrical discharges high up in the Alps.

这些大胆的年轻科学家在去年夏天的实验中发现,即使在附近没有电气暴风雨,反复强度强度和咆哮的咆哮伴随着咆哮的咆哮,也会跳跃他们的脾气间隙。在几个场合,电火花每隔三十分钟平均每秒跳跃大差距,并且这些放电平均为200万伏。蓝绿色的美丽电晕在缆绳和钢丝网周围播放。随着伴随的图片展示,电缆和网在阿尔卑斯山的两个峰之间悬挂在山谷之间。这款电晕有Aurora Borealis的所有外观,特别是在北极地区可观察到的最壮丽的电气显示器。



As the accompanying photographs of the actual apparatus and wire cable used last year clearly show, an adjustable spark gap of considerable length is provided. By adjusting this spark gap to various lengths, it is possible to judge the voltage of the discharge wich leaps the gap at any moment. Mr. F. W. Peek, Jr., the well-known American worker in the realm of high voltage measurements, together with other engineers, have provided tabulated data and curves for various lengths of both needle and sphere type spark gaps. As one of the accompanying diagrams shows, it is a simple matter to calculate the voltage when a certain length of gap is used. The engineer first checks the lengths of the gap on the chart; he then follows a line horizontally from the gap length to where in intersects with the angular line on the chart; and from the point of intersection he looks in a visual line downward to a place where the voltage is given. For needle spark gap measurements, the characteristic curve on the chart is practically a straight line, while for sphere gaps the characteristic curve on the voltage versus gap length, is a curved line. Those interested in high voltage measurements by means of the spark gap method can find the voltage-gap tables and charges in the标准化规则美国电气工程师研究所。根据PEEK先生的研究,大气放电的电压脚约为100,000,而在实验室测量中,具有A.C的实验室测量。变压器高潜力放电,发现每足火的平均电压为约150,000伏。闪电闪光灯的电压可能很容易是100,000,000伏,因为Peek先生在他的一个科学论文中引起了指引。



One of the peculiar things about this whole line of experiment is that the average layman does mot realize perhaps, that there is a high electrical stress in the atmosphere on clear days, as well as when thunder stoms are overhead. This fact has been known for a hundred years and more, and many years, ago measurements of the various electrical potentials at increasing altitudes, were observed and measured by scientifica investigators. There are a number of different ways in which these high electrical potentials found in the atmosphere can be measured: one of these methods involves the use of a calibrated spark gap. In this case the gap is set to a predetermined length, and when a discharge jumps this gap, the engineers know of course from previous experience and measurements, just what voltage is present. Another method of measuring extra high potentials, such as here , required the use of a static volt-meter, which involves the use of a stationary and of a movable or rotary set of metal plates, forcing a condenser, to which an needle is attached. For voltages above 2,000, static voltmeters have been used in a great many American central stations, and they have many desirable and useful characteristics. Of course as the voltage to be measured increases, the space between the quadrant shaped stationary and movable plates in increased and vice versa. The electrostatic field from voltages below 2,000 is not sufficient to warrant the use of a static voltmeter. Another method of measuring high potentials involves the use of the so-called vacuum tube voltmeter.

