home recycling bin

Did you know that a whopping91% of plastic isn’t recycled?


If your family doesn’t think twice about throwing away苏打瓶s, food waste, wrappers, and jars into one huge garbage can of mush, it’s time to take action.


How Does Recycling Work?


Recycling can not only reuse what we already have, but it also conserves raw resources. For instance, the印第安纳州南部大学发现“如果我们所有的报纸回收,我们每年可以节省约250,000,000棵树!”



As you can see, recycling is vitally important! Check out these 6 ways to make your recycling at home a whole lot easier.


Nobody likes the inconvenience of doing extra chores. To make your recycling mission a success, you need to have the right mindset. Do some research as to why recycling is vitally important.

你做了作业之后,坐下来与你r kids and partner to explain the effects of recycling and NOT recycling.

展示他们的照片和视频造成的损坏。例如,令人震惊5.25万亿块垃圾floating in the ocean. You could even take your kids to a recycling center to see how the process gets started.

Knowing the facts about what to recycle at home and what happens when you don’t recycle can help you and your family to think twice before chucking stuff away.

2. Convenience is Key

The key to a successful recycling campaign in the home is convenience.

As recycling rules differ from place to place, your system may be different. For instance, some areas don’t mind if glass, cans, paper, and plastic are all in the same bin. However, other areas require that you separate them all.


Keep apaper recyclingbin next to the front door for junk mail and envelopes. And do the same for your office space or where the kids do their homework. Place a small bin in the bathroom to collect shampoo bottles and another recyclable packaging.

Find an easy system that works for your family and stick to it!

3. The Recycling Spirit

To get your family into the recycling spirit, arrange a household contest. For instance, give everyone their own bin and see who can fill it up first. Some recycling centers pay cash for cans and glass, so let your kids keep the proceeds as a reward.

You can get crafty with trash too. Use paper towel rolls, magazines, glass jars, and more for crafting projects. You could also get your kids to decorate the recycling bins to make the process more appealing.

By making it exciting, your kids are more likely to get into a good routine which will last in the long run.


On a Monday morning when you’re feeling like a zombie, the last thing you want to do is figure out which bin your empty milk carton needs to go in.

Keep organized by having a plastic recycling chart on hand. A plastic recycling chart should have a list of what to recycle at home. Stick it on your fridge, or above the recycling bin so that it can be seen at all times.

Label each recycling bin accordingly. For instance “Cans” “Glass” “Paper” and more. You can get loads of cute printables from online to spice up your trash cans, or just make your own.




Just take a moment to think about the poor old folks separating smelly cans of tuna and sticky yogurt pots. Save their pain and give them a rinse.




As your kids watch their banana peels transform into nutritious soil, it’ll be a great lesson in the importance of recycling.

But, can you recycle wood? Yes, some untreated wood can be put into your composter. Other woods can salvaged or chipped down and reused to create other products.

Begin Your Home Recycling Journey

It’s clear to see home recycling can be made super simple by just being organized. Follow these tips and you will be left with peace of mind, an orderly system, a thriving garden, and a better world.

Recycling is the first step to “走向绿色“. But, what else can you do to reduce waste in your home and daily life? Read these7 essential tips找出答案。