科罗拉多州成为2012年第一个合法化大麻的州。许多国家纷纷纷纷纷纷采用诉讼。它现在是合法的娱乐nine statesand for medical needs in thirty.
许多文章都提出了杂草的合法化帮助经济。也是众所周知的帮助individuals’ health。
The Legalization of Weed Can Reduce Carbon Emissions
Like cartels, growers rack up an enormous carbon footprint. Growers, both legal ones and illegal ones, grow most of their plants indoors. This means that the plants have to be grown by artificial light.
If weed was grown like most other legal plants and outdoors, it could rely on natural sunlight and other forms of再生能源。它不必依赖于发出有害气体的其他形式的能量消耗。
Illegal growers and operations can deplete forest lands and ecosystems. Several growers strip lands and use pesticides to protect their weed. The more states that legalize weed, the less strain there would be on public land.
If growers do not need to hide it, state governments can aid in growing marijuana. They can do this with the environment in mind. They could see where the plant excels and leads to biodiversity.
Opening the Gate to the Legalization of Hemp
大麻位于大麻植物家庭。它已经用于制造CBD油,这些油已经用于各种疾病的医疗保健系统。例如,Wellspring CBD。
它可以让我们的agricultural needsgreener by replacing fossil fuels. Hemp grows fast without the need for pesticide or fertilizer too. It could also cut down on our reliance on plants that need lots of chemicals to grow (i.e., cotton).
Marijuana Leads to More Green for Everybody
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