sustainable bridge

现代建筑越来越多地成为绿色建筑和energy practices


The question many planners ask though is how to make a bridge green?



有几个关键因素,正在制作绿色桥梁。这些包括从设计中的一切,materials used和影响研究完成。

In urban landscapes creating a green bridge mainly has to take into account the impact on human actions. A green bridge shouldn’t negatively impact the sightlines or lighting of nearby housing.



It’s important to create some method for animals to easily cross it without risk. Older overpass design didn’t account for this but newer systems allow them to safely cross over the highways.



You have to start with a high-quality bridge designed by professionals, like the ones on这个网站。一旦您将桥接类型与桥接类型匹配,可以开始施工。



One of the biggest ways you can make a bridge green is to use green building materials. There are lots of different materials you can choose from to better match your environment.


Steel and other well-engineered materials will last for a significant length of time. When properly maintained this can be extended even longer.

Wildlife Protection and Crossing


Depending on the location of the bridge and the landscape it’s on you have to build with an eye towards flying creatures and even fish. If a bridge will interrupt the flight line of local birds or bats it’s important to put impact mitigation in place. Otherwise, they might strike the bridge and die.

Plan For the Future


To find out more about green energy and sustainable living topics, check out these other有趣的文章