
The current推动更环保的生活is an important part of our way of life. It should also be relevant for those dealing with a rodent infestation. There are many environmental sustainability examples we can use to kill rodents.

Rodents invade the homes of大约二十九倍美国人。这些生物是危险的,因为它们造成了许多健康问题。这些包括蔓延的沙门氏菌,触发过敏,黄疸和哮喘。

Unfortunately, most of the available solutions are bad for the environment. That’s because companies use bad pesticides, which cause diseases and harm the environment.



Aside from dangerous diseases, rodents导致其他损害赔偿到你的家。例如,他们咀嚼到您的家具和电线绝缘。他们还污染了您的食物并导致您的家中的结构缺陷。

Yet, it is not wise to use common pesticides to fight these vermin. Here are better environmental sustainability examples you can use:


You can use different concoctions to deter rodents from entering your home. You can do this by making a spray repellent using natural ingredients. The most popular one is using peppermint oil.


Another idea is to dip cotton balls in peppermint oil. Place these in areas where you think the rodents frequent.


2. Set a Trap

Set a trap using a drum and some peanut butter. Once the rodents enter the drum, they won’t be able to get out. You can then take them outside and release them away from your home.

3.。Seal Your Home


Check for any damages or chewed up areas where these vermin can enter. Get a handyman to fix these areas.

Remember to clear any food remnants off the floors. Keep your kitchen clean and cover the trashcans. This will limit the pests’ food sources.


A better solution is tohire a green pest control公司。这些专家将以环保方式消除啮齿动物的侵扰。最重要的是他们不会使用危险的毒药和杀虫剂。

Companies skilled inrodent abatement将破坏任何啮齿动物筑巢区域。他们将以人性化的方式从家中的周边清除它们。最后,他们将安装一个控制线以确保这些害虫没有回到您家的方法。

5. Consider Owning a Cat or a Rat Terrier Dog

Cats or rat terrier dogs will hunt any rodents in your home. Their presence will prevent infestations. For instance, rodents hate cat urine due to the ammonia. Thus, they will stay away from your home.


The environmental sustainability examples above will keep rodents out of your home. Make sure you cover the garbage cans outside your home. Keep your yard clean and trimmed as well. Using many of these combinations will keep rodents at bay.

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