how a magnetic generator works

To understand what a magnet motor free energy generator is and if they even work, we should first take a closer look at the specifics of energy and what a generator is capable of doing.


We all learned that you need a source to generate free electricity. The standard generators that come to mind use fuel as the output power, magnet generators are claiming to run purely off a magnetic arrangement.

免费电力是一个alternative energy消息来源显示比我们目前使用的更高效和更清洁。它也是一个更实惠的能源。能量规定孤立系统的总能量保持不变,并据说随时间保存。无法创造或销毁能量。相反,它从一种形式转换为另一个形式。



What is Free Energy?




What are Electromagnets?

电磁铁have a soft metal core that is made into a magnet by the passage of an electric current through a coil that is surrounding it. The strength of the electromagnet can be changed by altering the amount of the electric current that is flowing through it. The poles can also be reversed by simply reversing the flow of the electricity.


永磁体,另一方面,是磁铁that retain the magnetic properties even in the absence of an inducing field or current. These magnets create their own magnetic field that is persistent and continuous. They provide continuous power if the magnets are arranged in such a way that the lines of the magnetic flow are no longer symmetrical and can provide a useful directional force.


亚当斯电机is an example of the use of magnetism as a free energy source. The magnets in the motor are attracted to the iron cores of the electromagnets and they rotate the drive shaft and power the motor. The moving magnets generate electrical power into the windings of the electromagnets and this is what is used to charge the battery.



查尔斯飞翔used an electrical screening system to prevent the magnetic drag that can hinder the drive shaft回转。他使用永久磁铁而不是使用像Adams电机中的电磁铁。

PPMT or平行路径磁性技术uses permanent magnets that are controlled by a field coil in parallel magnetic circuits. Magnetic fields are steered by electrical currents. The electrical currents are not the cause of the field; they are already present and just align with the electrical current.


The magnetic energy that is used to run a motor over time does not require an outside energy source to generate electricity like the sun or water. It is running purely on the magnet arrangement. However, over time, the magnets can lose their magnetism, so they will have to be replaced at some point to continue to generate electricity. The biggest problem we are facing is trying to figure out exactly what type of magnets would work best for this free energy source.



A magnet motor energy generator works, but the science behind this revolutionary concept needs some more developing and work through to become a reliable energy source to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.