另一个对象的发明是提供各种设备有用,并包括无线电信号接收,入射波整流、放大不使用真空管或商业的地方权力,直到达到所需的e . m . f .开动一个利用手段如扬声器。
在本发明的每个操作实施例中,包括从广播或其他源的基本上是天线或其他装置,因为如在若干图中所示的情况下,如图所示,如图所示,可以在适当的连接和化学整流器或整流器中和磁性脉动发生器或发电机。本发明的重要元素在可以使用的任何实施例中由化学整流器和磁性脉动发生器构成。化学整流器可以以几种形式制成,但基本上由绝缘容器10组成,其具有至少部分地延伸的外部接地金属涂层II,其悬浮在绝缘关系中具有相似金属的三个电极。具有相似金属的三个电极低阻力到电能流动。这些电极13和14是板元件,15是插入在元件13和14之间的筛网或网状元件。包含在构件10内的溶液,罗氏盐和水的溶液,其比例为约五个部分Marcuric Salts,5份硫酸锌,5份硫酸铜,十份Rochelle Salts,以及平衡水制作一百份。据了解,可以制造盐的比例的一些变化。给定的比例是良好的效果。
永磁体组件在磁绝缘的关系中枢转地安装在34处,并且适于振荡其响应STO在几个电磁铁线圈中设置的极性。应当理解,枢转安装34是抗摩擦变化,以便允许永磁体易于响应于Elec5 Tromagnet芯的吸引和排斥。为此,为了避免由于物理振动引起的振荡,可以采用非磁性材料的光维持弹簧35在永磁体的弧形部分的相对端,或者可以采用任何其他容易产生的稳定装置。磁脉动发生器本身的操作如下:在核心18的顶部交替地在线圈中接收的交替脉冲在核心18的顶部设置北部和南磁极。当核心18顶部的极性是邻近的邻近portion 32 of the permanent magnet which is south pole variety is attracted thereto, rocking the permanent magnetic structure on its axis and causing the end 33 to move relative to the end 22 of core 21 and thereby inducing an E. M. F. in the coil 20. The induced current from coil 20 passes through coil 23 setting up north magnetic polarity in the end 26 of core 24 and increasing the 7. magnetic repulsion between it and the point 31 If the permanent magnet. When the other half f the input alternating current impulse is reeived in coil I7 the induction of current in coil 0, the passage of current therefrom to coil 24 nd the sum total output is repeated in reversed polarity. Thus, the magnetic pulsating generaor is susceptible of receiving in the input coil 17 a very weak alternating impulse, as low, for example, as the order of thirty thousandths of a volt and will deliver from the output coils an alternating current of materially augmented strength, e. g., five to ten times greater than that of the input impulse. The arrangement of these magnetic pulsating generators in electrical succession with the chemical rectifiers of the inven- 1. tion inserted in circuit therewith as hereinafter explained enables the progressive building up of the E. M. F. to the desired voltage. When the input to coil 17 is of weak pulsating D. C. variety, the output from coils 20 and 24 will be of like variety but of increased voltage.
图。图1示出了包含两个射频放大的两个阶段的传统无线电连接,推挽检测器和一个推挽式输出放大的一个阶段。当诸如图1中所示的连接时,如图1所示。如图1所示,在大约30万千伏的强度下接收数百千个克密的频率,在有利的条件下,最终的输出电压将是大约二十伏。由于表示声波的进入信号更高的E. M. F.值,磁性脉动发生器对于在电路上施加压印的静态或杂散脉冲施加在电路上的静态或杂散脉冲,而不是完全抑制在电路上的静态脉动。这是真的,因为杂散脉络或静态干扰通常是较低的波长和大规模的损伤。值,并且因此不会以比例值携带到声波的那些。当在无线电电路中使用多个磁脉动发生器时,例如在图1中,如图1所示,在几乎所有情况下,似乎都可以完全消除可感知的静态干扰。它将是4;当然,这种性质的任何流浪冲动都不会被抑制从天线到地面产生电弧。
在图1中。如图1所示,示出了由简化形式的调谐电路,化学整流器和MAG-6'NetiC脉动发生器组成的连接,以及放大电路,调谐电路用于调整在何时接收的波said magnetic pulsating generators serve to charge the chemical rectifiers and to discharge the recti- 6′ fled E. M. F. to other parts of the set. The simplified form of magnetic pulsating generator eliminates the element corresponding to electromagnetic coil 20 of Fig. 2. These simplified magnetic pulsating generators are indicated generally as 36, 37, and 38 in Fig. 1. The operation of the device as disclosed in Fig. 1 is as follows: assuming the antenna circuit 39 to be tuned to a given wave length by variable condensers 40, 41 and 42, the direction of current y7 through the device is as follows, the alternating wave passing from primary 43 to secondary 44 passes by way of conductors 45 and 46 through coil 47 of the pulsator 36 and through the screen and plate 48 and 49, respectively, of the pair of chemical rectifiers 50 and 51 which are connected in parallel. This induces a voltage in coil 52 of the generator 36 due to the oscillation of the magnet 53. This pulsating E. M. F. passes ]u to the top of primary winding 54 of a radio frequency transformer indicated generally at 55 from which primary the current returns through ground conductor 58. This E. M. F. also passes through the chemical rectifiers 50 and 51 and Scoil 47. This forms a valving action between plates or electrodes 49 and 56. The primary 54 and secondary 57 of transformer 55 are connected to the ground wire 58 and to the plates 49 of a second pair of rectifiers 59 and 60, thus effecting a substantial duplication of the operation of the previously described radio frequency amplification save that the magnetic pulsating generator is omitted from the circuit. Plates 56 of chemical rectifiers 59 and 60 are connected to conductor 61 which leads to the primary 62 of the radio frequency detector coils. The output of secondary detector coils 63 passes through grid leak condensers 64 and 65, respectively, to the screen elements 48 of chemical rectifiers 66 and 67, respectively, and where D. C. pulsating E. M. F. is delivered through conductors 68 and 69 of the primary winding 70 of push-pull transformer 71. The return circuit to the ground from said primary coils is through conductors 72 and 73 and electromagnet coil 74 of the magnetic pulsating generator 37 which is, during the same interval, setting up an augmented D. C. pulsating E. M. F. through conductors 73 and 76 to the primaries 77 of an output push-pull transformer 78. The ground return lines from primaries 77 of the push-pull transformer 78 is through conductors 79 and 80 which are connected to plate elements 56 of a pair of chemical rectifiers 81 and 82 connected in parallel in the manner characteristically set forth in the preceding description. The output of secondary coils 83 of the push-pull transformer 78 passes by way of conductors 84 and 85 to the screen elements 48 of a pair of chemical rectifiers 86 and 87, respectively. The flow from elements 48 is through the chemical rectifiers 86 and 87 to the plates 49 thereof which are connected together by conductor 88 which leads to the bottom of colls 89 and 90 of magnetic pulsating generator 38, and ;, sets up a D. C. pulsating E. M. F. in coil 90 from whence the E. M. F. is delivered through conductor 91 to resistance output 92 This resistance is of the order of 2000 ohms on either side of its connection with the conductor 91 and the ;u E. M. F. flowing from the ends 93 and 94 of said resistance is delivered, respectively, to the plate elements 56 of the chemical rectifiers 86 and 87 from whence it flows to the plates 49 of said rectifiers and hence to the ground at 95. The en3c ergy is collected from the ends 93 and 94 of the resistance 92 in fixed condensers 96 and 97 which may be of the order of .01 microfarad and from thence to a point of utilization which in this circuit is a low resistance magnetic type loud speaker 98.