理论,在我看来是实际发现的障碍......因为真理比小说更奇怪!实际上,在一些考虑到初步结论之后,在某些时候为这个设备提供动力的简单原理是众所周知的...............在强奸时为自己的私人收益剥削这个原则and plundering my FATHER’S creation. I wish to stay around a while longer to do the work of my FATHER which takes precedence over this discovery in these pivotal times in which we live. If you wish to experiment yourself, I believe that CFI (eBay username) is still selling the magnets I used in my prototype model.
2) 还有一个提示:我建立了一个转子模板夹具的木材安装磁铁上。我用工业用的掺芳纶的胶水做磁铁。如果磁铁粘合不准确…..你是在一个检查的时间,因为“场泄漏”是残暴的,如果有任何空间时,留下“瓦片”的磁铁重叠。这就是为什么我建议在重叠的端部使用金属“分流”的部分原因。我相信,我的示意图提供给你是足够准确的,因为它是根据实际大小,并用于制作木制转子模板。只需打印出来,并使用卷轴锯或带锯和削减沿内阶梯圆的安排。我用了1英寸厚的松木板做木制转子组件。
3: )回顾过去,我们最好考虑一下霍华德·约翰逊(Howard Johnson)的设备,他在设备中使用了非常相似的原理。虽然我的设备是一个完全不同的设计…….我相信正在行使的量子组件是相同的,本质上。
5) I am a relatively poor man who was sorely tempted (believe me) to attempt to profit from this device……….I have since learned that I enjoy my freedom to do my FATHER’S work too much to end up like Howard Johnson……..living on a military base since the early eighties…….or worse. Perhaps one of you obviously adept researchers will succeed in getting this or similar device out to the masses in your own creative way! I believe this device to be in the public domain and make no claims
6) 让我知道如果和当你有转子完成。我很想看看你如何改进目前的配置!
7) 如果你想在易趣上购买CFI的磁铁,我会确定并指定12个磁铁(如果你和我一样,可能需要更多的磁铁……。并打破一些)类似的极性,所以你不会失望。他有或有许多每种类型:
8) someday maybe I will write a book about my experiences……you probably wouldn’t believe that either! Like the time Los Alamos National Labs tried to get on my computer among many, many others….(which still continues unabated to this day)………and why I had to cocoon myself for awhile and now make sure someone is at my residence at all times………..etc. etc.
9)在互联网上查找莫里斯·沃德……现在is one invention that should make him rich beyond the dreams of Avaris!………but he hasn’t made a dime yet!……….wonder why……
10) Seek to acquire the TRUE wealth, my friend. My master has given each of us a measure of coin, to him that has increased the amount, even by a factor of one, To him will be given many times over when YAHshua, Jesus Christ returns………….but to the one who has buried his in the field for fear of losing it ……….or to him who has traded his for worldly riches………to him will be given for to be cast outside……..where his weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be.