How to Build a Rooftop Garden




1。Check with Your City or Homeowner’s Association


Cities may ban or severely restrict rooftop gardens, so check here first before paying for an assessment.

2. Get an Assessment

You love the idea, but is it achievable? Only a contractor or architect likeECO屋顶和太阳能will know for sure.

An assessment tells you how much weight your roof can take and directly impacts the design of your garden. Some buildings may require modification before they can handle the extra pressure.

Remember, your roof needs to support not only the weight of your garden as well as you on it.

Access may also be an issue. A rooftop garden loses its magic if you risk injury every time you access it.

3.。Design Requirements


Because you’re not planting in a natural space, you’ll need several more layers to help your plants take root. These layers include:

  • Insulation
  • 池塘衬垫
  • Root membrane
  • Gravel
  • Moisture
  • Blanket
  • Wood chips
  • 堆肥
  • 表土

These layers provide somewhere for the plants to sit, moisture, and drainage all while protecting the structure of the building.


尽量减轻体重,考虑使用轻质容器like foam or fiberglass. You might also limit yourself to lightweight potting soil, which is far lighter than garden dirt.

When adding gravel, consider using styrofoam peanuts rather than actual gravel.

Additionally, you’ll需要添加防风琴。屋顶花园比传统花园更暴露。挡风衣需要仔细设计,因为你不想消除风,你想要避免看到在所有成本上撞倒的休息。


How will you water your garden? Rainwater alone won’t provide cover most of the year.


Irrigation systems are inexpensive compared to the cost of the garden generally. Buy them on eBay or at a garden center for under $50.

Build Your Rooftop Garden Today

A rooftop garden brings life to your building, but they do require careful consideration.

With excellent planning, you’ll find that your new garden meets all your expectations and makes your little corner of the world a place where everyone can breathe easier.

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